2021 The Year of the Hierophant

Finally, we have come to the end of 2020! This is what we’ve all been waiting for, the chance, the hope upon hope of returning to “normal.” 2020 was the year of the Fool… an unexpected new adventure/journey/experience. If we look at the image of the innocent Fool we can almost imagine there’s a roll of toilet paper in that little pack over his shoulder. It’s fair to say that we have definitely had a shock to our systems in 2020. The Fool’s planetary energy is Uranus, the Awakener, the electric jolt of surprise that is neutral in nature, but utterly unforgettable in effect. It is natural and understandable to long for the old days and the familiar life we had in 2019.
It is here that I will gently say, the old normal is no more, my friend. Mourning is still appropriate if it hurts. The Fool has taken us in a brand new direction and even though we can’t see where this road leads… the Hierophant is that road we are traveling together toward this unknown future. Even though we are weary, we still have a long way to go.

The Hierophant represents fixed earth. Taurus. Realness. Stability. Tradition. Marriage. Wisdom. Yet the number 5 whispers of change. He is a connector, a bridge. Some see him as the Pope and representing the liaison between human and divine, yet we know we don’t need a liaison, don’t we?
The journey of Taurus, in tarot terms begins with the 5 of Pentacles which has us feeling forgotten, left out in the cold, poverty, not being taken care of. Sounds about right for many of us. We then move into the energy of the 6 of Pentacles which is the most beautiful, benefic, generous form of the suit. This is where we share resources. We give relief and we receive relief. We remember we are one human family. From the space this relief creates, we move into the 7 of Pentacles where we plant our seeds for later harvest. We realize we’re still building something new and now have the energy reserves to wait for the culmination of what we’re creating. We know our greatest rewards are still to come.

The Hierophant is connected to our sense of hearing and inner knowing as well as the animal world and thus our instinctual nature and the intuitive gifts our ancestors left for us in our DNA. The final full moon of 2020 in Cancer carries this energy into 2021 for us. Consider what your ancestors endured and the resilience that is inherently encoded within you. Whatever your ancestral heritage, your people survived unthinkable changes and Fool moments, years, and spans of time. They survived for you. Ask them for help. Ask your DNA to unlock what you need to have the resilience required to build this road that will connect our new journey to our unknown, yet hopeful, future.
It’s a lot to build this road, not knowing exactly where it’s going. This is simply part of it and what is being asked of us. I know you’re tired. I am too. 2022 will offer a choice. 2023 we actually get to put wheels on the road and will feel some momentum. This doesn’t mean life will be a snooze fest until then, don’t get me wrong! There are many cycles within this cycle and this cycle is still part of greater and greater cycles.
Taurus energy is incredible powerful yet its full potential is only revealed when in balance with Scorpio’s fixed water. Earth needs water to grow new life. So let’s not keep our magic to ourselves. Let’s not hoard our power. Let the spiritual, inspirational waters flow even if in the form of tears, and allow our neighbors, family, friends, and ancestors help us find some earth to make fertile with our love.