6 Life Affirming Ways to Connect with the North Node in Pisces

6 Life Affirming Ways to Connect with the North Node in Pisces
It’s time for another shift of the Moon’s Nodes as the human collective is asked to grow and release certain energies. The North Node in Aries/South Node in Libra cycle asked us to have courage, to be brave, and to not take responsibility for other’s emotions. Now, we shift gears into a brand new energetic cycle of karmic release as the North Node enters Pisces and the South Node enters Virgo.
Because the North Node, Rahu, and the South Node, Ketu, are kin to the Moon, they effect our moods, instincts, and our general internal worlds. The North Node is our guide, our North compass point and leading-edge guidance for growth, healing, and sanity. The Moon’s Nodes are sometimes referred to as a dragon, with the North Node (Rahu) being the dragon’s head. The South Node (Ketu) represents the dragon’s tail.
In this way we can see that if we follow Ketu, the dragon’s tail, we will literally be spinning in circles. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. In this way, we view the South Node as a comfort zone and what folx naturally tend to do. It’s more likely to lean toward the dumpster fire energies of the sign it’s in as well.
On January 11, 2025, The South Node will move into Virgo while the North Node, our guide, will move into Pisces where it will stay until July 26, 2026.
So let’s turn our eyes toward our guide, Pisces, and talk about some helpful ways we can connect with this energy and incorporate it into our lives in order to marinate in sanity. This guidance is valid both for the Nodal Transit of North Node in Pisces as well as if you happen to have the Moon’s North Node in Pisces natally.
1. Let yourself be a little bit of a mess.
Now I’m not saying to let your dirty laundry grow mold or to neglect your hygiene or anything of the sort. I AM saying, what if we stopped giving ourselves such a hard time when we don’t human perfectly? What if we didn’t sweat all the little details of life so hard and let our actions be directed more by inspiration? This will be possible in different degrees depending on our circumstances, but something we ALL can do regardless of what life throws at us is to BE EXCESSIVELY KIND to ourselves in every single circumstance.
Let’s not judge something’s or someone’s worth or value by criteria of precision, logic, or perfection.
2. Embrace the liminal space of NOT knowing.
Ohhh how much we want to KNOW and BE RIGHT and have it all figured out! I get it, I love a good rabbit hole, I love being deep in research, lost in finding answers. I love getting all cerebral and breaking things down (Virgo Sun much? Yes, sooo much). Our world’s addiction to perfection and knowing has reached the all time high for unrealistic and toxic attachment to a moving target.
But seriously. HOW BORING is having it all figured out?! Where’s the mystique if we already know? Where’s the space to learn if we’re already right? How do we find inspiration if there’s no mystery?
You know who loves Pisces energy? VENUS. This tells us that the smoke and mirror fog of the Mutable Water that is Pisces is a fertile landscape for romance, sensuality, creativity, and abundance. We wouldn’t want to limit all that yum with the BORE of having it all figured out, would we?
At a deeper level that we may or may not admit to ourselves, our grasping to knowing and being right is an attempt to feel safe in a world that is utterly wild. This cycle of riding with the collective North Node in Pisces will require that we find our trust from somewhere else.
3. Stop chasing personal growth.
With the North Node in Pisces, it’s time to let go of striving to grow. Now, that may feel confronting to some, and that’s absolutely why we need these cycles and energies of the North Node in Pisces. Choosing to not chase our evolution does not mean we will not evolve.
I’m going to say that again.
Choosing not to chase our evolution DOES NOT MEAN we will not evolve!
We are always evolving; we just live in a world construct that taught us to only value growth when it looks a certain way and yields certain RESULTS. Pisces isn’t looking for results. Pisces wants to play, create, fantasize, and dream.
Do we trust ourselves enough to let go of the reins and let our inner child run the show? If you need some inspiration, consider that PLAY is literally how children learn. If play wasn’t a valid modality for growth, the human species would’ve died out a long ass time ago.
4. Embrace Universal Love.
I’m not talking about Unconditional Love, where people can treat you however they like and you just keep on giving them your time and energy and they keep vamping out your juice because of “Unconditional Love.” No.
I prefer the term Universal Love because it triggers in me a more spacious energy around love. This is the love that encourages us to require space and boundaries. This allows us to love from afar.
Pisces rules the 12th House of the natural chart. This house is where we can become “the observer” who sees more of a situation with less personal attachment. Our humanness becomes spiritualized here and all things that take us out of our bodies, literally and figuratively, live here. Think meditation, vision-inducing orgasm, ecstatic dance, astral travel, otherworldly journeying. Think of how excellent music is transporting. None of these things are possible with over-attachment to the physical.
I think of Universal Love being closer to the type of love that God/Creator/Spirit holds. It is unconditional, yes, but not in the way we sometimes put that type of love to work in our lives. We can love unconditionally, and we can have conditions in our relationship with others.
With Pluto’s shift into Aquarius, Universal Love is going to be much more important to adopt in the decades to come.
5. Find a way to be of service.
Service is a major theme that ticks the boxes for both Pisces and Virgo. Being a help to others, to the planet, to the creatures we share this realm with, is always a good thing. For this karmic cycle, it is essential.
The act of putting ourselves aside temporarily for the betterment of others not only builds character, but it opens us to the variety of human experience. Experiencing the pure astonishment of the strength of the human heart, the power of Universal Love in action, can only make us better. Period.
Find what moves your heart. Go there and help.
6. Connect with your Muse.
As previously mentioned, this is a fertile and inspirational energy. I’d be failing you if I didn’t recommend that you get your creative juices cranked. Maybe you already are an artist of some sort or have a creative outlet. If so, this should be a time of more frequent visits from the Muse.
If you don’t, then this is your permission slip! And here is where I remind us of guidance point #1. The only criteria of judgement that is acceptable in this circumstance is how did you FEEL creating this. The final result is not the important thing. The process and experience is what matters.
What matters even MORE that the process and experience… is what was your impetus to create. What inspires you? What or who is your Muse?
I leave you with this poem by the Indian poet, Meena Alexander.
The Muse
I was young when you came to me.
Each thing rings its turn,
you sang in my ear, a slip of a thing
dressed like a convent girl—
white socks, shoes,
dark blue pinafore, white blouse.
A pencil box in hand: girl, book, tree—
those were the words you gave me.
Girl was penne, hair drawn back,
gleaming on the scalp,
the self in a mirror in a rosewood room
the sky at monsoon time, pearl slits
In cloud cover, a jagged music pours:
gash of sense, raw covenant
clasped still in a gold bound book,
pusthakam pages parted,
ink rubbed with mist,
a bird might have dreamt its shadow there
spreading fire in a tree maram.
You murmured the word, sliding it on your tongue,
trying to get how a girl could turn
into a molten thing and not burn.
Centuries later worn out from travel
I rest under a tree.
You come to me
a bird shedding gold feathers,
each one a quill scraping my tympanum.
You set a book to my ribs.
Night after night I unclasp it
at the mirror's edge
alphabets flicker and soar.
Write in the light
of all the languages
you know the earth contains,
you murmur in my ear.
This is pure transport.