Gemini Full Moon - November 27, 2023

Gemini Full Moon

Gemini Full Moon 2023

Gemini 4°51’ 11/27/23 4:16am ET – This Full Moon in our Mutable Air Sign, Gemini, packs a punch that may take a few days to truly feel the magnitude. This is a time to take very good care of our nervous systems as the heightened mental stimulation could drain those who are already running on empty. It can also stimulate our minds and mouths for better or worse… So, not the best time to gossip, share intimate things that are private, or engage in situations where deep sympathy and empathy are required. Those sensitivities are harder to connect with right now, but certainly CAN be accessed with intention.

At a deeper level, this Full Moon is asking us to remain connected to our deepest heart spaces no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT. What if we staunchly REFUSE to continue as beings who are cut off from our humanity. What if the dominant energy no longer swayed us away from what we know to be true.

Gemini Full Moon 2023

This Gemini Full Moon is opposite Mars - We feel energetic, confident, and assertive now, and are less inclined to be patient with others' needs and demands. Anger is possible if our will is blocked or if we have to adjust our vigorous pace to accommodate others' slower tempo. Let’s give ourselves some extra time wherever we can and make sure to initiate apologies if we shoot off at the mouth in impatience or frustration.

This is an excellent time to take the initiative or to begin a project that has been simmering in the creative cauldron. ACTION is the theme. If you tend to be more hot-tempered, this can be aggravated now and you could be quite antagonistic. Those who are more relaxed and easy-going will simply feel more energy and drive than usual.

This Gemini Full Moon is square Saturn - This can be a frustrating energy. We have heightened awareness of our limitations and fighting with authority or lashing out at others who restrict us in any way is a potential. A sense of struggle or of being overwhelmed by obstacles and blockages is possible and we could push ourselves too hard. Be patient and don't demand too much of yourself at this time. Work quietly and steadily and rely only on your own resources.

This Full Moon is square Black Moon Lilith (M) – We may find that all the ways we have tried to edit ourselves in order to be in certain spaces and with certain people… have led us nowhere. If only they could realize what we have given and sacrificed! So now we are faced with the truth that perhaps MORE of our wildness is needed – not less.

This FM’s ruler – Mercury – in Sagittarius, coming into conjunction with the Galactic Center – Out of bounds until mid December after the Sagittarius New Moon. Mercury will be traveling through a very special zone of the Zodiac that is primed for our psychic receptivity. This is a powerful time to devote to some journeying, intuitive practices, and divination. Write things down as they come to you because this is a time we will get hints, breadcrumbs, and ideas ahead of when they logically make sense. Ask great questions in order to help the energy flow.

Additionally, what we think, speak, and write about now has extra potency. This is a passage that requests that we expand our awareness to those outside of our circle. Sincere prayers and intentions of PEACE hold extra sway.

The Moon will be out of bounds before the end of the day on 11/27/23 until late 12/1/23 – Sometimes when the Moon is out of bounds we experience blockages in the experience of care and nurture. This doesn’t mean it isn’t there, but it may not be where we think it “should” be. Also, it may not be there.

Prayer for Peace – 17 Spike on Dec 1 - We have a huge Vibrational spike of the 17th Harmonic/Vibration on December 1. This is an energy that encourages us to connect with the humanity of those we might not naturally connect with. This is an extension of empathy where it wasn't before. Sometimes these spikes occur when world events bring the humanity of others into our awareness. Let's encourage Peace with Earth and one another and ourselves.

Prayer for Peace


Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek

to be consoled as to console,

to be understood as to understand,

to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.



Irish Blessing for Deep Peace

Deep Peace to You
Deep Peace of the running wave to you.
Deep Peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep Peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep Peace of the shining stars to you.


An immense tortoise with jewels inlaid in its back.
Consciousness flagrantly and outrageously running off to infinity with all that is happening. You are always able to take anything further, to follow things out beyond boundaries and limits. Synchronized with multidimensionality. Coming upon the future everywhere. Blown so wide open that all you can do is exclaim, marvel, and alternate between rapture and despair. Highstrung and wildly strung. Engaged with all outstanding possibilities. Hopeful and yet equally doubtful. Yearning toward a world where everybody can be free; vividly impressed by a world where the chains prevail. Caught in the crossfire between the old and the new. Depending upon ingenuity and resourcefulness to each and every time open the space, stir up the pot, and uncover something dynamic and progressive in every corner of existence, just asking to be rallied, championed, and brought further along in the sparkling mix we partake in together. With never a dull moment, nor any entirely closed doors anywhere in sight.

-Ellias Lonsdale, Inside Degrees

1 comment

  • I found this to be very well-written and inspiring. Thank you!


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