Natal Asteroids Astrology Report - NEW!
Natal Asteroids Astrology Report - NEW!

Natal Asteroids Astrology Report - NEW!

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There are hundreds of thousands of asteroids that have been discovered orbiting around our Sun. Of those, over 1,000 of them have been given names that are related to myths, legends, literary or historical figures of interest, or places. Some astrologers believe that asteroids have a significance and relevance to human life just as the planets do, and that the astrological significance of the asteroid is often related in some way to the name of the asteroid. I like to think of them as an extra flavor layered on top that is FUN to discover and can be eerily accurate.

In this report 1,425 asteroids are analyzed to see if they are conjunct in zodiac longitude the Sun, Moon, or planets in the birth chart within a 1 degree orb. If the conjunction occurs, information about the asteroid is provided.

This is a lengthy report and is often many dozens of pages long and you will receive it in PDF form. Make sure to check all your mail folders in case it goes to your junk folder!

I recommend RE-READING this report from time to time as your life unfolds. Something that was not relevant at one stage in your life may come to be significant later on.

When you place your order, please leave your birth details (date, time, and place) in the comment box OR you can email them to me at:

This report is not automatically generated - I, one human, must create your natal chart and then run the report in order to send it to you. You can expect to receive your report within 48 business hours unless you hear otherwise from me. Thank you for you patience!