October 2022 - Astrological Events & Magical Days

october 2022 astrological events and magical days

September 28 - October 2, 2022 - Moon's Nodes Direct

September 30 - October 27 - Celtic Tree Month of Ivy

October 1 - Venus conjunct Supergalactic Center

October 2 - Mercury Stations Direct / Mercury opposite Neptune

October 4 - Saturn square Uranus

October 5 - Vesta stations Direct

October 6 - Sun conjunct Algorab / Mercury trine Pluto

October 7 - Feast Day of Ma'at Egyptian Goddess of Truth / Mars conjunct Capella

October 8 - Pluto Station Direct (opposing Procyon) / Mercury conjunct Alkaid

October 9 - Aries Full Moon 16° / Pallas Athena conjunct Sirius

October 10 - Mercury enters Libra / Venus conjunct Algorab

October 11 - 17 - Moon's Nodes Direct

October 12 - Mars square Neptune

October 13 - Mercury conjunct the Supergalactic Center

October 17 - Sun conjunct Spica & Arcturus

October 18 - Venus conjunct Spica and Arcturus

October 19 - Mercury conjunct Algorab / Sun square Pluto

October 21 - Feast Day of Artio the Celtic Bear Goddess

October 22 - Sun conjunct Venus

October 23 - Saturn stations Direct / Venus enters Scorpio / Sun enters Scorpio / Juno stations Direct - Watch the Sunrise!

October 25 - Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse 2° - Conjunct Shapley Attractor

October 26 - November 1 - Moon's Nodes Direct

October 27 - Mercury square Pluto / Mercury trine Mars

October 28 - Jupiter Retrogrades into Pisces / Celtic Tree Month of Reed Begins

October 29 - Mercury enters Scorpio

October 30 - Mars stations Retrograde

October 31 - Samhain / Halloween / Mercury conjunct Shapley Attractor

Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune retrograde all month.

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