Every year we have 2 eclipse seasons. One in spring/summer and one in fall/winter. These potent periods of time are opportunities for conscious-focused individuals to experience rapid and palpable change in their lives.
We are meant to ground into THIS body on THIS planet at THIS time. You are a vastly magical being. You are worthy of every good thing and you don’t have to prove anything to anybody. It is safe for you to be a brilliant, talented, psychic, generous, evolving teacher, healer, and leader. Your life and the way you live it is your masterpiece and it will and YOU will always be enough as you are.
Sometimes we have aspects in the sky that show up in the natal charts of generations of people. These are called inter-generational aspects and represent the seed of a major shift in the consciousness of humanity.
You have likely heard of Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children/adults/souls. You may not have heard of the Blue Rays, the forgotten ones. They are often mistaken for Indigos and do have many similarities, but are even more empathic and sensitive.