This New Moon begins the Lunation of the Lessons of Truth. The Gemini/Sagittarius axis is the Axis of Truth in Navigational Astrology and encompasses all things on that spectrum from the truth being slippery to the truth being a righteous crusade to the truth being the ultimate TRUTH of truths.
So we begin the final eclipse season of 2021 with the longest lunar eclipse in almost 600 years. This eclipse season unites 2 lunar cycles, the lunation of Power (Scorpio/Taurus) and the lunation of Truth (Sagittarius/Gemini) in a portal of experience that has many layers, hidden messages, and is asking us to look in places we may not want to travel.
Every year we have 2 eclipse seasons. One in spring/summer and one in fall/winter. These potent periods of time are opportunities for conscious-focused individuals to experience rapid and palpable change in their lives.