We are not inclined to seek friendly platonic relationships at this time. Tension can sizzle in our love lives, for better or worse, as we become impatient about getting our needs met.
When the planet of love, beauty, creativity, and our resources is in Aries, an adventure is at hand! The energy is invigorating, adventurous, pioneering, and even a little bit competitive.
Venus loves being in Pisces where she can more fully express her true nature. Let's explore what this means in natal charts and when Venus is transiting Pisces.
Natal Venus in Virgo folks are usually pretty skilled at the care and feeding of a partner, both literally and metaphorically. If they trust that you are committed to growth in the relationship, they can be utterly devoted and will express their love through thoughtful acts of service and by actually making your life a whole lot better.
Bottom line, we are confronted with any taboos we have tried to sweep under the rug. Something in the intimate spaces in our heart has reached critical mass and must see the light of day. Our defenses crumble. Any attempts to hold them at bay are no longer successful.
When Venus is transiting the sign of Cancer, it is an opportune time to beautify our homes and bless them with our focused energy. Don’t forget to engage your inner child in some creative play, send heart beams of gratitude to your ancestors, and inject loving rewrites into your personal myth. Intuition can be enhanced at this time, so trust your instincts!
When Venus transits Taurus, we as the human collective have the opportunity to notice what is missing in our value system. During this first cardinal phase, if we remain cool-headed, we can use this energy to see where there are “cold spots” in our self-love and our core values. This is how we teach others how to treat us. This can be an uncomfortable and confronting exercise, but if we devote ourselves to this work, we only stand to benefit.