Finally, we have come to the end of 2020! This is what we’ve all been waiting for, the chance, the hope upon hope of returning to “normal.” 2020 was the year of the Fool… an unexpected new adventure/journey/experience. If we look at the image of the innocent Fool we can almost imagine there’s a roll of toilet paper in that little pack over his shoulder. It’s fair to say that we have definitely had a shock to our systems in 2020.
You may already be familiar with how Astrology and Tarot are connected. There are cards representing each sign of the zodiac and cards representing each of the planets. Lucky for this 3rd decan Virgo who loves to make high quality magic from details, there’s a whole lot more. There are tarot cards that represent the energy contained in each of the 3 decans of each sign of the zodiac. This means that your birth chart (natal chart) can be read using these cards.
By now, we’re all quite accustomed to the sensation of our inner smoldering. Isn’t it funny how it doesn’t become more comfortable over time?
As a metaphysician, I look beyond the obvious for guidance, explanation, and answers. I look to the sky, to the spirits, to the cards, to my higher and deeper knowing.
The Devil is probably the most misunderstood card in the tarot, especially for those indoctrinated with Western culture. For the mystic, the Devil is one of, if not THE most important mysteries to penetrate on the journey toward Unity Consciousness (being one with the higher aspects of self).
When Venus transits Taurus, we as the human collective have the opportunity to notice what is missing in our value system. During this first cardinal phase, if we remain cool-headed, we can use this energy to see where there are “cold spots” in our self-love and our core values. This is how we teach others how to treat us. This can be an uncomfortable and confronting exercise, but if we devote ourselves to this work, we only stand to benefit.
In Taurus, instead of having his nose in books (which is one of his favorite things), Mercury is more inclined to channel and receive messages from the divine through touch, sight, smell, or otherwise through the senses. He has to slow down in order to do this, which goes against his grain….at first. Once Mercury gets to the 3rd decan of Taurus, he’s got this more earthy thing down.