Ahhhh Mars, firey ruler of Aries and co-ruler of Scorpio. Usually he doesn’t slip by unnoticed. In relationships he wears many hats, some super sexy and some super painful… but always HOT to the touch. When he contacts sensitive points or planets in our composite charts, synastry, or natal charts, issues and emotions can become inflamed.
On December 21, 2020 we will have a Great Conjunction at 0° of Aquarius. A Great Conjunction is when the planetary giants Jupiter and Saturn conjunct or occupy the same degree in the sky. This will be visible as a new “Star of Bethlehem.”
When Venus transits Taurus, we as the human collective have the opportunity to notice what is missing in our value system. During this first cardinal phase, if we remain cool-headed, we can use this energy to see where there are “cold spots” in our self-love and our core values. This is how we teach others how to treat us. This can be an uncomfortable and confronting exercise, but if we devote ourselves to this work, we only stand to benefit.