When the planet of love, beauty, creativity, and our resources is in Aries, an adventure is at hand! The energy is invigorating, adventurous, pioneering, and even a little bit competitive.
Venus loves being in Pisces where she can more fully express her true nature. Let's explore what this means in natal charts and when Venus is transiting Pisces.
Oh the dreaded 12th house….in SYNASTRY of all things. Few synastry energies give my clients more feelings of fear and dread than to discover their love interest’s planets fall in their 12th house, or their composite chart has 12th house influences.
Having conjunctions with the luminaries (Sun and Moon) and the Ascendant/Descendant axis is one of the more common types of synastry aspects I see in deeply bonded romantic relationships and married couples.
Since the beginning of human’s relationship with fire, it has been a focal point of the home and family whether it be the actual hearth or an outside fire. These goddesses are often venerated during the season of Yuletide as well as the sabbat of Imbolc.