Synastry Aspects for Soulmates - Vertex Conjunct Vertex & Vertex Conjunct AntiVertex

Synastry Aspects for Soulmates - Vertex Conjunct Vertex and Vertex Conjunct Anti-Vertex

Synastry Aspects for Soulmates - Vertex Conjunct Vertex & Vertex Conjunct Ant-Vertex

Let’s talk about the vertex axis, sometimes called the “electric axis,” and what it means when we have this axis conjunct in our synastry.

 So here's where I give you my two disclaimers:

  • When I say “soulmate,” I mean those deeply impactful, deeply connected relationships that you never forget. Some people use the words twin flame, soulmate, karmic partner, life partner, their person, the one… I'm using “soulmate” because it’s a nice general term for a highly impactful connection. Soulmates can be platonic and family relationships as well.
  • In my last post I described synastry as a recipe, but today I'm going to describe it as a garden. If you think of your relationship as a garden, or your synastry as a garden, and each aspect is a flower. You can't really single out one flower, describe it, and then use that one thing as the descriptor for the entire relationship. You need to take the whole thing into account. Notice that with both recipe ingredients and certain plants and flowers in your garden, you notice some more than others. Some are bigger, some are bolder, and some are more impactful.

 electric spark

The synastry aspects for soulmates that I'm talking about in this series are those really impactful ones, and this vertex axis conjunction that I'm talking about today is a potent one. This one is big. This is the first thing I look at when I look at a synastry chart.


So what even is the vertex?! Well, it is the mathematical point in the sky where the ecliptic of the Sun meets the Prime Vertical. It's usually going to be in the 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th house. Many astrologers don't talk about this being an axis, but it absolutely is. The opposite point is called the anti-vertex. It doesn't mean “bad vertex” or anything like that, it's just the opposite point. It will always be in the opposite sign and in the opposite house of your vertex.


This axis is nicknamed the “electric axis” and there's a reason for that! When this axis is triggered, it often indicates a destined event or a destined meeting between people. When I say “destined,” it depends on what your beliefs are about destiny and fate. It at least FEELS that way. It's a compulsive, really intense encounter or connection.


Now that you know a little bit about what the vertex axis is, and honestly there's enough to be said about it that it really deserves a post dedicated just to it. So if you would like me to do that, give me a comment below.


Let’s get into the nitty gritty and talk about what these vertex axis conjunctions are really like. If you would like to see what this looks like in a synastry chart, check out the video on this here or scroll to the bottom of this page. If you need to get your synastry chart but don’t know how, I’ve got you. Go here.

 fire heart

Vertex Conjunct Vertex and Vertex Conjunct Anti-Vertex (or Vertex Opposite Vertex…same same)

A conjunction means they are on top of each other in the chart. They are within certain tight parameters of sign and degree. How wide are the parameters for a conjunction? Obviously we'd like it to be as close as possible. If it is within two degrees it's going to be a really, really, really powerful conjunction. If it's within six degrees or even eight degrees it will still be felt, but ideally you want it to be within six degrees. That's just what I prefer. Different astrologers have different parameters, so this is my way.

Let's say that there were some researchers and they were speaking to different astrologers who specialized in synastry, and they wanted to know one synastry aspect that could be an indicator for actual twin flames. First I would say, I don't believe in the twin flame mythology in the same way most people seem to, but if I had to pick one synastry aspect that could be an indicator of that type of connection, it would be this. Not the vertex/vertex conjunction, but the vertex/anti-vertex conjunction. This is simply because, in my research and work with clients and couples thus far, this conjunction is the most rare. That being said, I really do not believe that there are real "twin flame indicators." There are synastry aspects that tend to show up in potent, feel-it-in-your-guts relationships and this is really what I'm talking about here.

What does this feel like? Well, it feels destined. It feels like the universe has knocked itself out to get these two people together. This is the same for both of these conjunctions. There is incredible telepathy. They can feel what the other person is feeling when they’re not together. When they are together, it feels that they have entered a world all their own. These people will not only finish each other sentences, but will say the same thing at the same time. They'll jinx each other all the time. It feels fated. With the Sun/North Node conjunction, the primary feeling is that it feels “right.” It feels like the right thing to do to be in this relationship. With this vertex axis conjunction it feels destined.

Know that destined does not necessarily mean lasting, and that's something I have to mention here. Each synastry aspect has a different level of potentiality for longevity, and the vertex has virtually none. It is about impact. This doesn't mean that people who have this conjunction can't last a lifetime or for a substantial amount of time, but it's not the vertex conjunction or the vertex axis conjunction that's going to keep them together.

They were definitely supposed to meet each other. Personally, when it comes to the concepts of destiny and fate I believe that we are destined to come to certain crossroads and then it's free will which path we take. I do believe that the universe will bring us to certain doors or to certain opportunities or to certain people or types of people because of the types of soul lessons that we need or the Karma we need to sort out. These relationships are heavy with that type of energy. An interesting quality to these vertex axis conjunction relationships is that oftentimes they know each other before they fall in love or before they even find each other attractive. Or they'll be separated by one degree for years and years and years before they meet or "just miss" each other is passing over and over again.

There's usually a trigger to these relationships.

If you’re interested in these triggers I've discovered, you can comment below and be sure to get on my mailing list because I am soon releasing my work on this subject. This is a whole new discovery in Astrology and it is VERY exciting. The vertex needs to be triggered, that's one of the ingredients of this recipe.

Remember what I said before… there's no guarantee that these relationships will last. Sometimes intensity like that, of course depending on the rest of the chart, but too much intensity cannot endure in some cases. I'll put my money on this... if any couple that has this vertex conjunction breaks up… they can't be friends. Even if they are the type of people that usually stay friends with their exes, no bueno. It's too much. They’ll never forget each other though, that’s for certain.

If you would like to work more deeply with your synastry, I'd be honored to assist.

Visit the Galactic Mystic Community Forum to ask questions and hang with other mystical peeps!


Other synastry and relationship astrology articles:

The Composite Sun Through the Signs

The Composite Sun Through the Houses

What is the Composite Chart

Ascendant Conjunct Descendant Synastry

Sun Conjunct North Node Synastry

Sun Conjunct Pluto Synastry

Asteroid Goddess Juno

Y'all Fighting?

Some Truth About Twin Flames

Ascendant Square Ascendant in Synastry

For relationship astrology and synastry readings go here


  • hello, i’m from brazil i loving your study, different off all. amazin! (sorry, im writing intuitivively with little help of google) I have this aspect vertex and vertex with someone in a synastry at 1 degree.
    I’d love to be on your mailing list.
    I dont import of traduting word a word. thank you!

  • hello, i’m from brazil i loving your study, different off all. amazin! (sorry, im writing intuitivively with little help of google) I have this aspect vertex and vertex with someone in a synastry at 1 degree.
    I’d love to be on your mailing list.
    I dont import of traduting word a word. thank you!

  • I have a male tenant whose vertex conjuncts mine AND his north node conjuncts my sun. We met thru apartment search ad 8 month ago. It’s a platonic connection. We spent hours together almost every day. I feel I’ve known him for ages. I even smelled his sweat and his smell is so familiar. The feeling is of being very similar. Our vertexes are in Leo, 7th house. On the plus side, it’s been a very tight friendship, one I only experienced 2-3 times before. On the minus side, it’s been a rollercoaster, with mucho drama (after every drama we somehow end up closer)

  • I would like to know the triggers please 🙏

  • I would love to learn more about the research on triggers.


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